Sharing Excitement. Sharing Ideas. Sharing Community.
Welcome to the Huronia Radio Control Club. HRCC is a Model Aeronautics Association of Canada (MAAC) affiliated club. It serves the area around Stroud Ontario.
Our RC Plane Club consists of getting together on a regular basis in order to share ideas and enjoy activities based on our common interest. Huronia Radio Control Club promotes and expects a non-judgmental and supportive attitude from participants. If you’re interested in joining or would like to learn more, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
The Huronia Radio Control Club Inc is a group of about 45-50 members that maintains a runway and facilities for the safe flying of remote control model aircraft. If you are interested in radio controlled aircraft and are not sure where to start, you are welcome to come out to the field and have a look. The best thing would be to just come out to the field and introduce yourself. There is usually someone at the field weekdays or weekends from 11am to 1pm if the wind is 15km/hr or less. The evenings are not as popular. Drop by any time the gate is open or email us at huroniarcc@gmail.com and we can arrange a time to meet.
The club is open to new members. Our runway is short cut grass 145 meters long oriented east to west. Runway 07/25 is 110' x 480' and is 882' ASL. We have starting benches, safety fencing, and a shelter area with picnic tables and chairs. The advantages of flying at a club versus a private field such as a farm is the club’s facilities, flight instruction, camaraderie and knowledge of our experienced members. Flying in a city park also presents the problems of bystander safety and city bylaws that prohibit flying RC.
We do allow helis. A few years ago helis were very popular here. There were often 5 or 6 at the field on any particular day. Now there are not many with only a few members flying helis. We do not have a heli beginners training program or wings test. We have a free training program. Volunteer instructors will connect a buddy box to your transmitter so that they can take control of your airplane when you lose control and prevent a crash. New members are not allowed to fly without an instructor until they pass a simple flight test to show that they can safely control their plane. This is done to help prevent you from quitting in frustration after repeatedly crashing your plane and as well as preserving the safety of the club and its members.
Once you pass the flight test and get your wings you can fly any day between 9am and dusk. The field is officially open all year, but the road is impassable in the snow unless you want to walk in. The road may be closed for a few weeks in the spring due to mud.
All members of the club must also be a member of MAAC (www.maac.ca), the national governing body for the hobby. Aside from taking care of all governmental regulations, they provide each member and club with liability insurance.
What is MAAC?
The Model Aeronautics Association of Canada is the Official Governing Body for Model Aviation in Canada, acting as a liaison to government agencies, such as Industry Canada (formerly Department of Communications) with regard to radio frequencies and their use in radio controlled models, as well as representing our internationally competitive modelers to the Fédération Aéronautique International (FAI) through the Aero Club of Canada. MAAC also provides liability insurance to its members and chartered clubs, among many other membership benefits.